International Semantic Intelligence Conference 

(ISIC 2024)

University of Belgrade, Serbia

October 17-19, 2024

The International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC) 2024 is an annual international platform for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and the Semantic Web communities. It presents a forum to publish cutting-edge research results in intelligent applications.

Many technological trends, like IoT, Cloud Computing, and Smart Devices, generate vast amounts of data daily and at unprecedented rates. Traditional data techniques and platforms are inefficient because of issues concerning responsiveness, flexibility, performance, scalability, accuracy, and more. We need granular access to massively evolving data sets to manage these vast data sets and store the archives for longer periods. Addressing this gap has been an important and well-recognized interdisciplinary area of Computer Science. A machine will behave intelligently if the underlying representation scheme exhibits knowledge that can be achieved by representing semantics. 

Semantic Intelligence refers to filling the semantic gap between the understanding of humans and machines by making a machine look at everything in terms of object-oriented concepts as a human looks at it. Semantic intelligence helps us make sense of the most vital resource, i.e., data, by making it interpretable and meaningful. The focus is on information as compared to the process. Whatever application the data will be put to, it is to be represented in a machine-understandable and, hence, human-usable manner. All the essential relationships (including who, what, when, where, how, and why) in the required data from any heterogeneous data source must be made explicit. 

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Intelligence, and Semantic Web technologies comprise Semantic Intelligence Technologies (SITs). SITs are the most important ingredient in building artificially intelligent knowledge-based systems as they aid machines in integrating and processing resources contextually and intelligently.

ISIC aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry specialists to discuss, advance, and shape the future of intelligent systems by virtue of machine learning and semantic technologies.

ISIC 2024 will be an in-person conference. We are looking forward to meeting you in Serbia in October 2024.

Note: There are three tracks and two Best Paper Awards per Track. 

Each award carries a certificate and a memento.