Call for Tutorials

The International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC) 2024 invites proposals for tutorials on emerging topics related to the general theme of the conference. The acceptance of the proposal will be subject to the link, its specific theme can have with the conference major theme, i.e., Semantic Intelligence. New as well as established tutorials are welcome.

The proposals should be in a pdf file of a maximum of two pages long and to be submitted via email to the Workshop/Special Session Chairs with cc to The proposals must include the following:

1) Tutorial title;

2) Abstract; objectives and motivation; a description of the topics that the tutorial will address, emphasizing the timeliness;

3) Intended audience;

4) Name, affiliation, contact information, and a short biography of each tutorial presenter;

5) Tentative schedule and the presenters for different parts;

6) Plans for publicity.

Note: Kindly also mention the possibility and suitability of a virtual tutorial presentation.