Call for Workshops/Special Session Proposals

The International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC) 2024 invites proposals for special sessions on emerging topics related to the general theme of the conference. The acceptance of the proposal will be subject to the link, its specific theme can have with the conference major theme, i.e., Semantic Intelligence. 

The proposals should be in a pdf file of a maximum of two pages long and to be submitted via email to the Workshop/Special Session Chairs with cc to 

 The proposals must include the following:

Guidelines specifically for the workshops:

The workshop chairs may structure workshops as they see fit, possibly including one keynote or/and invited talk, panel discussions, presentations of work in progress papers, peer-reviewed papers, doctoral consortiums, demonstrations, programming challenges, tutorials, or some combination; the proposed workshop format is to be submitted along with the proposal.

1) inviting papers with titles focused on the theme of the workshop/special session;

2) publicizing workshop/special-session in the relevant communities;

3) setting up an easy chair account for submitting papers in the same manner as it is for the main conference;

4) creating and maintaining the workshop/special-session website;

5) quality control over the papers in their sessions, for enforcing deadlines, and for submitting all materials by the deadlines;

6) creating the Program Committee and getting the submitted papers reviewed by at least three reviewers of repute. The final decision of acceptance/rejection of papers and publication in the proceedings lie with the conference committee;

7) and scheduling the workshop program timeline. For the special sessions, the deadlines will be the same as for the main conference.


The logistics (facilities like rooms and hardware, catering like coffee breaks and lunches, and registration) of the workshops/special sessions will be handled by the ISIC 2024 local chairs.

Workshop/special session paper registration fees are the same as regular conference fees. All registered participants are entitled to attend all keynotes, sessions, workshops, panels, tutorials, and social events. The workshop/special session papers are also candidates for best paper awards.

As a token of honor, the workshop/special session organizer will be given the certificate of chairing the workshop/session and a memento. 

Each workshop/special session receives one-two free registrations, which are typically used for keynote or invited speakers or the chair. The recipients of the free registrations are at the discretion of the workshop/special session chairs in collaboration with the conference general chairs. If workshops/special sessions are not able to attract sufficient submissions that are finally accepted, the conference committee may decide to cancel the free registrations; in this case, the workshop/special session chairs will have to bear it themselves.

Should you have any queries regarding your Workshop/Special Session proposal, please contact at We look forward to seeing you at the Conference!